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發布時間:2024-07-28 13:28:04

⑴ 奼傛潕鍢夎瘹鑻辨枃綆浠,涓鐧懼瓧宸﹀彸,鍒澶闀,璋㈣阿

鏉庡槈璇 緇熼嗛暱奼熷疄涓氥佸拰榛勯泦鍥銆侀欐腐鐢電伅銆侀暱奼熷熀寤虹瓑闆嗗洟鍏鍙革紝鍏ㄧ悆鍗庝漢棣栧瘜錛屽叏涓栫晫鍗庝漢鏈鎴愬姛鐨勪紒涓氬躲傚嶮鍥涘瞾鎶曡韓鍟嗙晫錛22宀佹e紡鍒涗笟錛屽崐涓涓栫邯鐨勫嬫枟濮嬬粓浠"瓚呰秺"涓轟富棰橈細浠庤秴瓚婂鉤鍑¤搗璺戱紱涓鴻秴瓚婂規墜鍔鍔涳紱杈懼埌宸呭嘲錛岃秴瓚婂穮宄幫紱瀹炵幇鑷鎴戱紝瓚呰秺鑷鎴戱紝浜庢槸涓栦漢縐頒箣涓"瓚呬漢"銆傛潕鍢夎瘹涓嶄粎鏄鍒涗笟綺捐嫳銆佸晢鐣屽法澶達紝鑰屼笖鍦ㄥ叾鍒涗笟鍙戝睍璺涓婏紝騫惰喘澶氬跺叕鍙搞傚彲浠ヨ達紝鏉庡壋涓氫箣璺灝辨槸涓鏉″苟璐涔嬭礬錛屽叾鍒涗笟鍜屽.澶т笌鍏煎苟鍜屾敹璐鍏跺畠鍏鍙鎬紒涓氬垎涓嶅紑銆傛潕鍢夎瘹鐨勫苟璐涔嬭礬鍚屽叾浜虹敓緇忓巻銆佸壋涓氱粡鍘嗕竴鏍峰嶅彈涓栦漢鍏蟲敞銆

1928騫7鏈29鏃ワ紝鏉庡槈璇氬厛鐢熻癁鐢熶簬騫誇笢鐪佹疆宸炴疆瀹夊幙銆1940騫達紝闅忕埗姣嶅埌棣欐腐瀹氬眳銆1943騫村啲鍏剁埗杈炰笘錛岃嚦姝ゅ皯騫存潕鍢夎瘹寮濮嬩簡瀛﹀緬銆佸伐浜恆佸戣兌鍘傛帹閿鍛樼殑鐢熸椿銆 1948騫達紝20宀佺殑浠栧氨寮濮嬪湪鏂拌挷宀楁媴浠諱簡涓瀹跺戣兌鍘傜殑涓氬姟緇忕悊銆佹葷粡鐞嗐1950騫達紝鍦ㄧ茬畷婀懼壋絝嬩簡闀挎睙濉戣兌鍘傘1957騫達紝鍦ㄥ寳瑙掑壋絝嬩簡闀挎睙宸ヤ笟鏈夐檺鍏鍙革紝鍙戝睍濉戣兌鑺便佺帺鍏風敓浜х瓑銆1958騫達紝1960騫村厛鍚庡湪鍖楄掋佹煷婀懼緩閫犱簡涓ゅ駭宸ヤ笟澶у帵銆 1972騫9鏈31鏃ワ紝鏉庡槈璇氬壋寤轟簡闀挎睙瀹炴愭牳涓氭湁闄愬叕鍙革紝11鏈1鏃ワ紝"闀垮疄"鑲$エ鍦ㄩ欐腐璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鎵銆佽繙涓滀氦鏄撴墍銆侀噾閾惰瘉鍒鎬氦鏄撴墍鎸傜墝涓婂競錛屽苟鐩哥戶鍦ㄤ雞鏁︼紙1973騫達級銆佸姞鎷垮ぇ鐨勬俯鍝ュ崕錛1974騫6鏈堬級鎸傜墝涓婂競銆1974騫5鏈堬紝涓庡姞鎷垮ぇ甯濆浗鍟嗕笟閾惰岃仈緇勬伆涓滆儲鍔℃湁闄愬叕鍙搞



Li Ka-shing guide Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa Group, the Hong Kong Electric, Cheung Kong Infrastructure, such as Corporation, the world's richest Chinese, Chinese all over the world's most successful entrepreneurs. Fourteen-year-old to get into the business, 22-year-old official business, half a century and always strive to "Beyond" as its theme: starting from beyond the Ordinary; efforts to stay ahead of the competition; peaked beyond the peak; achieve self, beyond self, so the people of the world called as "Superman." Li Ka-shing is not only the elite entrepreneurs, business magnates, but also on the road in its business development, mergers and acquisitions of companies. It can be said that Lee is pioneering the road of the road to a merger, the business and grow with mergers and acquisitions can not be separated from other companies. Li Ka-shing, M & A road with their life experience, entrepreneurial experience, as much attention around the world.

Hardships and success of entrepreneurial experience

July 29, 1928, Mr. Li Ka-shing was born in Guangdong Province, Chaozhou ChaoAn. In 1940, with his parents to settle in Hong Kong. Winter his father died in 1943, bringing the juvenile Li Ka-shing started apprentices, workers, salesmen plastics plant life. 1948, 20-year-old he would start in San Po Kong as a plastics factory, the business manager, general manager. In 1950, the Yangtze River in Shau Kei Wan founded the plastics factory. In 1957, the creation of the Yangtze River at the North Point Instrial Co., Ltd., the development of plastic flowers, toys proction. 1958, 1960 took place in North Point, Chai Wan built two instrial buildings. September 31, 1972, Li Ka-shing, Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd. founded, November 1, "Cheung Kong" shares at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Far East Stock Exchange, the Kam Ngan Stock Exchange listing, and one after another in London (1973), Canada Vancouver (June 1974) listing. May 1974, with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Alliance Group Health East Finance Company Limited.

May 15, 1985, Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong Bank as non-executive vice chairman of the board of directors. In 1986, the Cheung Kong Group, the consortium ranked the top ten richest man in Hong Kong, Li Ka-shing's listed value of the four companies listed in Hong Kong accounted for 13.57% of gross. April 7, 1990, Li Ka-shing's "and yellow" and "CITIC", British Cable and Wireless co-investment "Asian satellite", by China's "Long 3" carrier rocket has successfully placed over Southeast Asia the synchronous orbit. To 1991, "Cheung Kong" Department of the consortium has developed into an important international status and has a significant impact on the diversification of transnational enterprise groups, with more than 1200 billion in assets, more than two and a half times increase in 1986.

"Superman" reputation and M & A experience

鍙卞挙Hong Kong and overseas Chinese, Li Ka-shing, the magic name, today is' success' and 'miracle' of the pronoun: him command of Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa Group, the Hong Kong Electric, Cheung Kong Infrastructure and three other listed companies, has operations in each of the instry, such as real estate, port cargo, supermarkets, infrastructure, telecommunications, hotels, insurance, cement, power, network and so on, forming a more than trillion of assets multinational empire. Rong and Li Ka-shing himself out world No. 10 Rich List has become the history of the most outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs.



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