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1. 人工智慧涉及的領域有哪些





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2. 印度怎麼和中國比:巴基斯坦統計中印數據全比

印度怎麼和中國比:巴基斯坦統計中印數據全比較 !!
一、 The Geo-demographics of China and India:地緣中國和印度的人口:

Land Area: China 9.6 million sq km; India: 2.97 million sq km土地面積:中國960萬平方公里,印度:2.97萬平方公里

Population: China 1.3 billion; India 1.1 billion人口:中國13億美元;印度1100000000

Labor force: China 791.4 million; India 496.4 million勞動力:中國7.914億,印度4.96億

Population growth rate: China 0.59% (death rate 0.697%, birth rate 1.325%); India 1.38% (death rate 0.818%, birth rate 2.201%)人口增長率:中國0.59%(死亡率為0.697%,出生率1.325%),印度1.38%(死亡率為0.818%,出生率2.201%)

二、 Economy in General一般經濟

GDP in 2005: China US$2.225 trillion; India US$719.8 billion or 2005年GDP:中國,二萬二千二百五十點零零億美元,印度,七千一百九十八點零零零億美元

China US$8.859 trillion; India US$3.611 trillion by PPP 中國,八萬八千五百九點零零億美元,印度,三六一一〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇美元,購買力

Economy sectors:經濟部門:

China: Agriculture: 15% of GDP, Instry 52% of GDP, Manufacturing 35% of GDP, service 33% In 2001中國:農業:15個國內生產總值,工業生產總值52,製造業生產總值35,服務33%,2001年

India: Agriculture: 24% of GDP, Instry 27% of GDP, Manufacturing 16% of GDP, service 48% In 2001印度:農業:24國內生產總值,工業生產總值27日,製造GDP的16,服務48%,2001年

These data comes from World Bank.這些數據來自世界銀行。 You can conclude that Chinas instry size is almost 6 times of Indias after a very simple calculation.你可以得出結論,中國的產業規模是近6倍,印度的經過很簡單的計算。 You can see how little Indias instry is.你可以看看,印度的工業。 More important, Chinas instry is still growing much faster than Indias.更重要的是,中國的工業仍然增長速度遠遠超過印度。

三、 Agriculture農業

India has more arable land than China.印度比中國擁有更多的可耕地。 Indian proced 250 million tons of grains in 2003 (Thanks for the good weather).印度生產了250萬噸糧食,前提是遇到2003年的好天氣。

China usually proces 450 million tons of grains each year no matter how tough the weather is (record is more than 500 million tons) (Thanks for the biotech R&D and expansion of the technologies in agricultural filed in China).中國通常會產4.50億噸糧食,每年無論多麼艱難的天氣(最高記錄是500多萬噸)。


As data in 「Economy in General」 section shows, Chinas instry scale is 6 times of Indias.如數據「總體經濟」一節中顯示,中國的產業規模是印度的6倍。 Chinas instry is still growing at around 16% pace for many years.中國的工業仍然以約16%的速度增長。 That means one year increase in Chinas instry revenue equals to the total size of Indias instry.這意味著一個中國的工業收入同比增長等於印度的工業總規模。 The gap is huge.差距是巨大的。

Around 43 million tons of iron and steel was proced in India in 2005 (An important index of infrastructure construction.) China proced around 349 million tons of iron and steel.在2005年約43萬噸鋼鐵產於印度(基礎設施建設的一個重要指標。),約3.490億噸鋼鐵生產於中國。

55% of the world cement (Another infrastructure construction index) was used in China. 55%的世界水泥(另一項基礎設施建設指數)%被用於中國。

By the data from CIA fact books, India proced around 36 million tons of oil (A natural resource index) in 2003 and will face the resource problem soon.事實上,根據中央情報局的書籍資料,印度2003年生產約36億美元的石油,並且將很快面臨資源問題。

China proced 160 million tons of oil in 2003 and imported more than 100 million tons in the same year.中國生產1.6億噸石油,並且在這一年進口石油超過100萬噸。

Here talks about the Sino-India trade in 2004.中印貿易在2004年在這里舉行了會談。 It clearly tells that India is only a raw material supplier to China and China mainly sells instrial procts to India.它清楚地告訴說,印度只是一個原材料供應商,中國和中國工業產品主要銷往印度。

Indias average tariff fell from 56% in 1990 to 28% in 2004.2004年印度的平均關稅從56%降至1990年水平的28%。 By comparison, Chinas average tariff dropped from 32% to 6% over the same period.相比之下,中國的平均關稅由32%下降到6%同期。 That means, India has to use tariff to protect its weak instry.這意味著,印度利用關稅保護其弱勢產業。 While, Chinas instry competes against others fairly even in domestic market.顯然,中國工業與別人是公平競爭,哪怕是在國內市場。

In 2002 the typical monthly wage of a manufacturing worker in India was US$23.80 while in China the figure was US$110.80, according to the IMF. 2002年,在印度製造業工人每月工資是$ 23.80美元,而在中國這一數字是美國一百一十點八○美元,數據參照國際貨幣基金組織。

Even Indias instry is under the protection of high tariff.即使是印度的工業是在高關稅保護。 India still has a huge trade deficit.印度仍然有巨大的貿易赤字。 The deficit could reach US$50 billion in the fiscal year of 2005-2006.赤字可能達到美國在2005-2006年財政年度的500億美元。

But China always has a trade surplus.但是,中國始終有貿易盈餘。 I even dont bother to provide the links.我甚至不願在這方面提供數據。

五、Service Instry服務行業

Calculating from the GDP numbers of both China and India and the percentage of service instry in them, Chinas service instry contributed US$742.5 billion to Chinas GDP, it is almost the total of Indias GDP.無論從中國和印度的服務業在國內生產總值的百分比數字計算,中國的服務業貢獻了742500000000美元的中國國內生產總值,這幾乎是印度的國內生產總值總額。 Indias service revenue was only US$345.5billion.印度的服務收入只有1億345.5billion。

Chinese airlines carried 138 million passengers in 2005, and the loads will nearly double to 270 million passengers in 5 years.中國航空公司在2005年1.38億人次,而負荷將增加近一倍,在5年內為270萬人次。

Passenger traffic grew to 52.12 million in the last fiscal in India, from 43.47 million in 2004-05, to register a growth of 19.9 percent.客運量增長至5212.000萬上一次在印度財政赤字,從43470000 2004-05年度,錄得增長百分之19.9。

The annual insurance premium currently collected in India is $23 billion, which is expected to increase ten fold to $ 239 by 2020.每年的保險費徵收,目前在印度為230億元,預計將增加10倍,2020年至239美元。 In the same period, Chinas insurance premium will rise to $863 billion from the present level of $60 billion.在同一時期,中國的保費將達到八千六百三十點零零零億美元從600億美元的水平。

Retail sales surged 12.9 percent in 2005 over the year before, to 6.7 trillion Yuan ($847 billion).零售額增長百分之十二點九,2005年比前一年為6.7萬億元(八千四百七十〇點零億美元)。 By 2020, instry forecasts say the market could expand to about $2.4 trillion.到2020年,工業預測說,市場可能會擴大到約2.4萬億美元。

Indias total retail market reached US $230 billion in 2005 and will grow to US$370 billion in 2011印度的零售市場總額達2005美元,2300億美元,將增長到2011年三千七百萬點零萬美元

Indias travel and tourism market was valued at US$42 billion in 2005.印度的旅行和旅遊市場的市場總值在2005年420億美元。 340 million people traveled in 2005. 3.40億人,在2005年。 The outbound travelers from India grew to 6.2 million in 2005.來自印度的外游旅客的增長到6.2億元,2005年。 This was almost twice the number of arrivals witnessed by the country.這幾乎兩倍目睹該國的人數。 That means only 3.1 million visited India in the same time.這意味著只有310萬人參觀了在同一時間內印度。

China received 47.11 million visitors in 2005.中國在2005年接到47110000遊客。 This number should not include the vistors from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan.這個數字不應該包括來自香港,澳門和台灣的訪港。

There were 31 million outbound tourists from China in 2005.去年共有31萬人次的中國遊客在2005年。

In 2005, inbound tourists reached 120 million (including Chinese from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan economies). 2005年,入境遊客達到120萬美元(包括香港,澳門,台灣的經濟中)。

Overseas tourists contributed over $29.3 billion to the Chinese economy.海外遊客的捐款超過二百九十三萬點零萬美元到中國經濟。 But their contribution was far outweighed by that of domestic Chinese tourists, who contributed $66.7 billion.但他們的貢獻遠遠超過了國內遊客中,誰貢獻六百六十七點〇 〇億美元的。

In 2004, Chinas service exports were US$62 billion versus US$40 billion for India. 2004年,中國的服務出口為62美元兌美元億美元,印度40億美元。 On the other hand, 60% ofChinas service exports were travel and transportation services while in India the figure was 22%.另一方面,60%ofChina的服務出口旅行和運輸服務,同時在印度的這個數字是22%。

In 2003, Indias exports of commercial services other than travel, transportation, and finance amounted to US$18.9 2003年,印度的出口比旅行,運輸等商業服務,金融額達18.9元

billion.億美元。 The figure for China was US$20.6 billion.對於中國的數字是美國的206億元。 In other words, China may already be ahead of India in selling IT換句話說,中國可能已超過印度的IT銷售

六、 Financial Instry and financial stability金融業和金融的穩定

Indians always say that their financial instry is better than Chinas counterpart.印度人經常說他們的金融業比中國的同行更好。 This claim can cheat a lot when Chinese banks were completely state-owned.這種請求可以欺騙時,很多中資銀行完全國有的。 But today, top four of Chinese banks were listed in Hong Kong stock market.但今天,最高的4名中資銀行在香港上市的股票市場。 When it goes to the truth in market, Indian financial instry is so pitiful comparing with Chinas.當它關繫到市場的真相,印度的金融業是如此可憐與中國比較。

After the IPO of The Instrial and Commercial Bank of China, its market value is about US$87 billion, This is almost one and half times of the collective market capitalization of all listed Indian banks - for the 37 listed Indian banks, this is about $ 62.76 billion (Rs 2,86,859 crore).後工商銀行首次公開發行的中國,其市場價值大約為870億美元,這是近一年對所有上市的印度銀行集體市值的1.5倍,使37個上市的印度銀行- ,這是約627.60億(2,86,859億盧比)。 Bank of Chinas market capitalization is now around $105 billion and that of China Construction Bank $ 99 billion.在中國的市場資本銀行約1,500億元,而現在中國建設銀行九百九十〇億美元。

Indias ICICI Bank tops the market capitalization chart with $ 13.59 billion (Rs 62,177 crore), followed by the State Bank of India with $11.89 billion (Rs 54,380 crore) and HDFC Bank with $6.29 billion (Rs 28,774 crore).印度的ICICI銀行上衣與一百三十五萬九千點零零萬美元(62177億盧比),由印度國家銀行緊隨其後一百一十八點九零零億美元(54380億盧比),並六十二點九零億美元(28774億盧比),HDFC銀行,總市值圖表。 None of the other listed Indian banks has over $5 billion worth of market capitalisation.其他上市的印度銀行均沒有超過50億美元的市場資本價值。 Punjab National Bank, the fourth bank when it comes to market capitalization, is worth just $3.62 billion.旁遮普國家銀行,銀行的第四次當談到市值,價值只有3.62美元億美元。 Canara Bank is worth just $2.52 billion. Canara銀行值得只是252000萬美元。

Chinas ICBC has total assets of over $ 812 billion, close to the size of Indias GDP!中國的工商銀行已超過八千一百二十〇點零零零億美元的總資產接近印度的國內生產總值的大小! State Bank of India, which accounts for almost one-fifth of total banking assets in India, however, has an asset base of only $84 billion.印度國家銀行,其中幾乎三分之一的印度銀行業總資產的五分之一,但帳目,有一個只有八百四十萬點零零零萬美元資產基礎。

How Chinas banks are welcomed in the stock market?如何中國的銀行都表示歡迎,股市? The institutional tranche, which makes up 95% of the ICBC offering, attracted more than US$300 billion in orders and is 23 times oversubscribed.該機構投資者,它構成了95%,工行發行,吸引了多美元的訂單3,000億元,是23倍的超額認購。 In Hong Kong, ICBCs initial public offering (IPO) of H-shares was 76-times oversubscribed with one million retail investors putting in HK$420 billion.在香港,工行的首次公開發行(IPO)的H股是76與百萬港元,散戶投資者將四二〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇美元倍超額認購。 This broke the previous record, held by Bank of China, which attracted HK$286 billion (US$36.7 billion) earlier this year.這打破了此前的紀錄來,Bank of中國,吸引了香港二千八百六十零點零零億美元(約合3670000萬美元舉行)今年早些時候。 This enables ICBC to price its shares at the upper limit.這使工商銀行的價格上限的股票。

Budget deficit: 10% of GDP in India versus 2% in China.預算赤字:國內生產總值的10%,印度在中國與2%。 This could have big impact on financial and economical stability.這可能對金融和經濟穩定產生重大影響。

China has almost US$1 trillion forex reserves with total of US$ 297.9 billion external debt中國有近1萬億美元的總額二千九百七十九點零億美元外債外匯儲備

India has US$165.275 billion forex reserves with US$132.1 billion external debt.印度美國一千六百五十二億七千五百萬美元美國外匯儲備一千三百二十一萬點零零萬美元外債。

India has a huge public debt, the ratio of public debt to GDP was 82% in 2005 and still growing fast, which is above the globally recognized alarm level of 60 percent.印度有一個巨大的公共債務,公共債務佔GDP的比重為82%,2005年仍在迅速增長,高於全球的百分之六十是公認的警戒線。

Chinas public debt was 28.8% of GDP.中國的公共債務佔GDP的28.8%。



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