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『壹』 用VB如何直接獲取股票實時數據




『貳』 求vb高手 做一個軟體實現股票自動買賣 我會通過另一個軟體計算買賣時間和價格,用vb實現買賣過程



『叄』 VB編程怎麼編個能把一個網站的即時數據載入後按我的要求計算的程序,比如導入及時股票價格


『肆』 VB如何讀取股票大盤數據,20秒更新一次,並動態的顯示到文本框中,請高手幫忙


『伍』 我想從網頁上(比如網易、新浪)上實時抓取大盤和個股的實時行情,請給出VB的完整源碼,並加註釋。


『陸』 VB 怎樣調出股票板塊信息


『柒』 VB 修改一個股票行情監測腳本 到了預定的股價就啟動程序a.exe

Dim file1, file2 As String
Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Val(Text1.Text) > Val(Text2.Text) Then Shell (file1)
'text2.text為大於這個值時 執行
If Val(Text1.Text) < Val(Text3.Text) Then Shell (file2)
'text3.text為小於這個值時 執行
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://.hexun.com/stock/q.php?code=" & Text4.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "選擇路徑"
file1 = CommonDialog1.FileName
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "選擇路徑"
file2 = CommonDialog1.FileName
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Interval = 6000
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
End Sub

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
If Not (pDisp Is WebBrowser1.object) Then Exit Sub
Dim wenben As String
Dim a() As String
wenben = Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.innerText
a = Split(wenben, vbCrLf)
Text1.Text = wenben
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
If InStr(a(i), "代碼:") > 0 And InStr(a(i), ".s") > 0 Then
Text1.Text = Right(a(i), (Len(a(i)) - InStr(a(i), ".s")) - 2)
Text5.Text = Mid(a(i), InStr(a(i), ".s") + 1, 2)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub

『捌』 用VB 讀取通達信實時股票數據(現價,漲幅)





『玖』 vb監視程序代碼

窗體代碼: Option Explicit Dim hChangeHandle As Long Dim hWatched As Long Dim terminateFlag As Long Private Sub Form_Load() lbMsg = "Press 'Begin Watch'" End Sub Private Sub cmdEnd_Click() If hWatched > 0 Then Call WatchDelete(hWatched) Unload Me Set Form1 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdStop_Click() 'clean up by deleting the handle to the watched directory Call WatchDelete(hWatched) hWatched = 0 cmdBegin.Enabled = True lbMsg = "Press 'Begin Watch'" End Sub Private Sub cmdBegin_Click() Dim r As Long Dim watchPath As String Dim watchStatus As Long watchPath = "c:\bat" terminateFlag = False cmdBegin.Enabled = False lbMsg = "Using Explorer and Notepad, create, modify, rename, delete or " lbMsg = lbMsg & "change the attributes of a text file in the watched directory.""" 'get the first file text attributes to the listbox (if any) WatchChangeAction watchPath 'show a msgbox to indicate the watch is starting MsgBox "Beginning watching of folder " & watchPath & " .. press OK" 'create a watched directory hWatched = WatchCreate(watchPath, FILE_NOTIFY_FLAGS) 'poll the watched folder watchStatus = WatchDirectory(hWatched, 100) 'if WatchDirectory exited with watchStatus = 0, 'then there was a change in the folder. If watchStatus = 0 Then 'update the listbox for the first file found in the 'folder and indicate a change took place. WatchChangeAction watchPath MsgBox "The watched directory has been changed. Resuming watch..." '(perform actions) 'this is where you'd actually put code to perform a 'task based on the folder changing. 'FindNextChangeNotification API, again exiting if 'watchStatus indicates the terminate flag was set Do watchStatus = WatchResume(hWatched, 100) If watchStatus = -1 Then 'watchStatus must have exited with the terminate flag MsgBox "Watching has been terminated for " & watchPath Else: WatchChangeAction watchPath MsgBox "The watched directory has been changed again." '(perform actions) 'this is where you'd actually put code to perform a 'task based on the folder changing. End If Loop While watchStatus = 0 Else 'watchStatus must have exited with the terminate flag MsgBox "Watching has been terminated for " & watchPath End If End Sub Private Function WatchCreate(lpPathName As String, flags As Long) As Long 'FindFirstChangeNotification members: ' ' lpPathName: folder to watch ' bWatchSubtree: ' True = watch specified folder and its sub folders ' False = watch the specified folder only ' flags: OR'd combination of the FILE_NOTIFY_ flags to apply WatchCreate = FindFirstChangeNotification(lpPathName, False, flags) End Function Private Sub WatchDelete(hWatched As Long) Dim r As Long terminateFlag = True DoEvents r = FindCloseChangeNotification(hWatched) End Sub Private Function WatchDirectory(hWatched As Long, interval As Long) As Long 'Poll the watched folder. 'The Do..Loop will exit when: ' r = 0, indicating a change has occurred ' terminateFlag = True, set by the WatchDelete routine Dim r As Long Do r = WaitForSingleObject(hWatched, interval) DoEvents Loop While r <> 0 And terminateFlag = False WatchDirectory = r End Function Private Function WatchResume(hWatched As Long, interval) As Boolean Dim r As Long r = FindNextChangeNotification(hWatched) Do r = WaitForSingleObject(hWatched, interval) DoEvents Loop While r <> 0 And terminateFlag = False WatchResume = r End Function Private Sub WatchChangeAction(fPath As String) Dim fName As String List1.Clear fName = Dir(fPath & "\" & "*.*") If fName > "" Then List1.AddItem "path: " & vbTab & fPath List1.AddItem "file: " & vbTab & fName List1.AddItem "size: " & vbTab & FileLen(fPath & "\" & fName) List1.AddItem "attr: " & vbTab & GetAttr(fPath & "\" & fName) End If End Sub 模塊代碼: Option Explicit Public Const INFINITE = &HFFFF Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME As Long = &H1 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME As Long = &H2 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES As Long = &H4 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE As Long = &H8 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE As Long = &H10 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS As Long = &H20 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION As Long = &H40 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY As Long = &H100 Public Const FILE_NOTIFY_FLAGS = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES Or _ FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME Or _ FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE Declare Function FindFirstChangeNotification Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "FindFirstChangeNotificationA" _ (ByVal lpPathName As String, _ ByVal bWatchSubtree As Long, _ ByVal dwNotifyFilter As Long) As Long Declare Function FindCloseChangeNotification Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hChangeHandle As Long) As Long Declare Function FindNextChangeNotification Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hChangeHandle As Long) As Long Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Public Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 = &H0 Public Const WAIT_ABANDONED = &H80 Public Const WAIT_IO_COMPLETION = &HC0 Public Const WAIT_TIMEOUT = &H102 Public Const STATUS_PENDING = &H103

『拾』 如何在VB6.0中根據設置的時間查詢股票的數據,急急急。。。




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