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发布时间:2024-06-26 01:34:59

A. 急求翻译成英语!!!!!特别着急!!!!

In China the stock market, investors initially to retail investors, the speculative atmosphere is relatively heavy, caused the sharp fluctuations in the market, did not play the role of social resource allocation optimization. In order to rece the market fluctuation, regulatory considerations into development to securities investment funds on behalf of the institutional investors, securities investment funds can hope that by virtue of their own professional advantage, capital and information three, to the value of the investment and the introction of the concept of rational investment market, seek the return value, reces the stock market volatility, the stability of the stock market, so that securities market to better serve for hypostatic economy, this is the financial supervision of vigorously developing securities investment fund 's original purpose. With securities investment fund large-scale market, market volatility is it right? Reces? This article mainly from the securities investment fund positions, behavior and fluctuation of stock price an empirical study on the relationship between the conclusion of the article, hope to the healthy and continuous development of China's securities market provides some reference suggestions, have very real direct sense.In this paper, firstly the related study on this issue from both theoretical and empirical perspectives are reviewed, understood at present to this problem did not draw the same conclusion, debate is still ongoing. Then on the securities investment fund transactions appear short-sighted behavior, herding effect, positive feedback trading strategy as well as the manipulation of a series of theory are discussed, based on the above theoretical analysis, pointed out that securities investment fund positions on the medium and small investors have a detrimental effect, did not play a stabilizing role of the market. Combined with the actual situation of our securities business, respectively, considering the blue-chip market and small and medium-sized market shares characteristics, as well as the investor's risk preference, a careful analysis of the securities investment fund in China s stock market in the role, respectively, put forward overall hypothesis: our funds behavior did not play a stabilizing role of the market and the indivial two hypotheses: fund holding blue chips to stabilize stock price effects, but with small and medium-sized stock market but increase the volatility of stock price.In this paper, the whole proposed hypotheses, using time series data to test empirically, by regression analysis method, by using the method of least squares to draw the correlation coefficient, the results showed that all the fund positions, behavior and stock market overall fluctuation shows a positive correlation, and have a certain significance, but was not very strong, description market with the proportion of funds holdings will rise or fall there will be a certain degree of up or down. For the indivial on the proposed hypothesis, respectively for the blue-chip market and small and medium-sized market shares of the empirical testing, using panel data regression, the fund holds the blue-chip did not exacerbate volatility, reached a stable stock price fluctuations, but to fund small and medium-sized stock market and the volatility of the test results showed that, the fund shareholders and small and medium-sized stock market price fluctuations showed a strong positive correlation, but also significantly stronger. According to the overall analysis, description of funds behavior overall did not play a stabilizing role of the market, because the fund positions blue-chip although stabilize stock price effect, but the fund in the small and medium-sized market on the stock holdings increased the volatility of stock price. Therefore, the empirical results support the proposed hypothesis based on theoretical analysis.Based on the analysis and testing results, combined with the actual situation of our securities business, this paper suggests the need for further improvement of the stock market system condition and zoology environment, change of securities investment funds of the current evaluation methods and evaluation indicators, to further strengthen market supervision, improve the information disclosure system, improve the quality of listed companies and operating performance of a series of policies and suggestions, hoping to provide some reference and guidance.

B. 投资 英文



记忆技巧:in 进入 + vest 衣服 → 把口袋里的钱投入事业中 → 投资







C. 股票用英文怎么说

股票的英文是shares,音标英 [ʃeəz]、美 [ʃerz]。



Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.


2、n.(在若干人之间分得的)一份; (在多人参加的活动中所占的)一份;正常的一份;可接受的一份

Your share of the cost is 10 pounds.




1、share capital 股本

2、share certificate 股票

3、share dealing 股票交易

4、share markets 股市

5、share prices 股票价格



n. (名词)




v. (动词)


2、share用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,与in连用,后可与抽象名词连用(如the cost, the joys, the fun, troubles, the happiness等)。


n. (名词)

take a share in, take shares in


These young men have offered to take a share in the relief work.


These monopoly capitalists have taken shares in the buying and selling of human blood.

这些垄断资本家在血液的买卖方面有 他们的份。

D. 炒股票在英文里怎么说保证金在英文里怎么说

“炒股票”英文翻译为Stock speculation,“保证金”翻译为Bond。



在陶行知 《中国大众教育问题》里写到:“流通图书馆要保证金,少则五毛,多则一元二元,只是这个条件已经把穷光蛋赶到门外去了。”




股价的涨跌最简单的说法就是up和down,这两个字可以当形容词(be动词+ up)或是动词(up前不加be动词)来用,例如Microsoft股票涨了一又四分之三块,老美就会说“Microsoft up 1and third fourths.”(动词)。

或是“Microsoft was up one and third fourths.”(形容词)不过一般而言,up和down当动词的用法较常见。



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